
“This healthy and pleasant little town is easily reached from London in an hour and a half by a 62-mile run from the Metropolis, through charming scenery, including the lovely Mickleham Vale and the Wealds of Surrey and Sussex. The air here in winter and spring is mild, and in summer and autumn dry and bracing. It may be thought a trifle on the sedate side by those whose tastes lie in the direction of thronged esplanades, minstrels, and the usual amusements of the beach; but Brighton and other lively resorts lie within easy reach by excursion steamers. Children, at all events, will not complain, for its beach forms an excellent playground for them, while they find yet another field for their diversions in the common which lies between the houses and the sea. A delightful boating trip can be taken up the Arun to the "Black Rabbit", a pretty little inn on the left bank of the river, if the state of the tide is studied. The angler will get excellent sport in the Arun. At sea there is grey mullet, from the works on the western side of the harbour, and on the inner ground is fair mixed fishing.” [from an early 1900s book of photographs].

For more on craft resident or visiting the Harbour see the “Vessels” pages.